
Oct 15 2022


9:00 am - 11:00 am

Men’s Fellowship

Families, Communities and Civilization will continue to be in a constant state of degeneration until men steps into the plan and will of God for their lives. Through the Men’s fellowship we have caught a vision of what a man ought to be and have put away childish things.

It is the duty of the sons of God to represent God in the earth and to make Him appear as He is, to our families and to our fellow man. Our responsibility to protect our families and our environment should be evident in our lives.

Fellowshipping with like-minded men that Love God, Hate Sin and Love to Give has taken us into a place of unity with one another that, gives both glory to God and hope to the lost. We as sons of God and men of FTHCM of SA have chosen to live our lives according to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, so that we as well as our SEED may live. We will make a positive difference in our local church and leave an inheritance in the earth for generations to come.